

Gränges works systematically to implement certified sustainability-related management system standards in its operations. Gränges’ Board of Directors has also adopted a number of steering documents that apply to all Gränges Group employees globally. These documents provide a framework and guide for how the company conducts business at Gränges and outline how responsible.


Gränges aims to have all production sites certified in accordance with ISO 14001 (environmental management), ISO 50001 (energy management), and ISO 45001 (safety management) standards as well as the sustainability standards provided by the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative. The company also has quality management systems in place, in line with the ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 standards.

The below table summarizes Gränges’ current certification status:

Certification standard Certified production facilities and offices
ASI Chain of Custody Standard Finspång, Konin, Shanghai, Huntingdon, Salisbury, Newport, and Franklin (US corporate office)
ASI Performance Standard Finspång, Konin, Shanghai, Huntingdon, Salisbury, Newport, and Franklin (US corporate office)
AWS Standard Newport
IATF 16949 Finspång, Huntingdon, Konin, Shanghai
ISO 9001 Finspång, Huntingdon, Konin, Newport, Salisbury, Shanghai, St Avold
ISO 14001 Finspång, Konin, Huntingdon, Newport, Salisbury, Shanghai, St Avold
ISO 50001 Finspång, Huntingdon, Newport, Salisbury, Shanghai, St Avold
ISO 45001 Konin, Shanghai

Carbon footprint reports

Having clear sustainability information on product level enables Gränges’ customers and other stakeholders to understand, evaluate, and compare Gränges’ products from a sustainability perspective. The company can offer customers third-party verified carbon footprint certificates and a detailed carbon footprint report outlining the methodology. During 2023, Gränges expanded the use of its internal life-cycle and carbon footprint assessment tool which is now used in all Gränges’ production facilities. This means that the company has reached its 2025 target of 100 percent of Gränges’ products to have third-party verified sustainability information available.

The model covers the carbon footprint impact from bauxite mining to inbound transports and Gränges’ own activities up until delivery from the site and can be applied on the full product portfolio in Gränges’ operations. To ensure transparency and credibility, Gränges has engaged the external party IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute to verify the methodology, process and routines used in the assessment. The carbon footprint assessments have been conducted in accordance with ISO 14040, ISO 14044 and ISO 14067.


Carbon footprint report, Huntingdon
Carbon footprint report, Newport
Carbon footprint report, Salisbury

IVL Verification report, Huntingdon
IVL Verification report, Newport
IVL Verification report, Salisbury 


Carbon footprint report, Finspång
IVL Verification report, Finspång

Carbon footprint report, Konin
IVL Verification report, Konin


Carbon footprint report, Shanghai
IVL Verification report, Shanghai

Sustainability reports

Gränges has since 2015 published an annual sustainability report which has been included in the annual report. Below you can find excerpts from the latest five years’ annual reports. 

The sustainability report has been prepared in accordance with GRI Standards: Core option and constitutes Gränges’ Communication on Progress in line with UN Global Compact guidelines. The report and its content have not been externally assured.