
Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee represents Gränges’ shareholders. It proposes to the Annual General Meeting nominations for Chairman and members of the Board, auditor and auditor’s fees, as well as fees for board and committee work. In addition, the Nomination Committee shall submit proposals for Nomination Committee instructions if required.

According to the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance the composition of the Nomination Committee shall be announced no later than six months prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The Nomination Committee’s proposals shall be presented in the notice of the Annual General Meeting and on the company’s website. When the notice of the Annual General Meeting is published, the Nomination Committee shall publish a motivated statement regarding its proposed members of the board on the company’s website. At the Annual General Meeting where the election of board members and/or auditors takes place, the Nomination Committee shall provide an account of how its work was conducted and present and motivate its proposals.

For further information

Oskar Hellström
Phone: +46 8 459 59 00

Gränges AB
Box 5505
SE-114 85 Stockholm